artist: Czerniawski Jerzy
year of print: 1993
price: EUR 43
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The Leopard; Il gattopardo
artist: Homework Joanna Gorska Jerzy Skakun
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 36
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The Castel
artist: Sadowski Wiktor
year of print: 1993
price: EUR 43
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Around Mrozek
Wokół Mrozka
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1982
price: EUR 91
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Witkacy 1885 - 1995
Witkacy 1885 - 1995
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1985
price: EUR 91
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The Faithful River
Wierna rzeka
artist: Sadowski Wiktor
year of print: 1987
price: EUR 67
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The Wedding
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1972
price: EUR 179
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Salomea's Dream of Silver
Sen Srebrny Salomei
artist: Czerniawski Jerzy
year of print: 1977
price: EUR 67
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Romeo and Juliet
Romeo i Julia
artist: Czerniawski Jerzy
year of print: 2005
price: EUR 36
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The Saragossa Manuscript
Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie
artist: Skarzynski Jerzy
year of print: 1979
price: EUR 131
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Promethidion Cyprian Kamil Norwid
Promethidion Cyprian Kamil Norwid
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2001
price: EUR 60
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The Portrait of a Lady
Portret Damy
artist: Szurpicka Elzbieta
year of print: 2015
price: EUR 23
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The Bedbug
artist: Czerniawski Jerzy
year of print: 1975
price: EUR 91
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The Maids of Wilko
Panny z Wilka
artist: Cieslewicz Roman
year of print: 1979
price: EUR 84
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Memoirs of a Sinner
Osobisty pamiętnik grzesznika
artist: Sadowski Wiktor
year of print: 1986
price: EUR 67
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November Night
Noc Listopadowa
artist: Czerniawski Jerzy
year of print: 1979
price: EUR 43
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A Boring Story
Nieciekawa historia
artist: Majewski Lech
year of print: 1983
price: EUR 91
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Swann in Love
Miłość Swanna
artist: Mlodozeniec Jan
year of print: 1985
price: EUR 115
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artist: Walkuski Wieslaw
year of print: 1987
price: EUR 67
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The Idolatrous Book
Księga Bałwochwalcza
artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw
year of print: 1992
price: EUR 67
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