Poster Art from Poland Plakat - Poster Art From Poland artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw year of print: 2003 price: EUR 60 see more >
Meetings with Spanish Culture Jeleniogorskie spotkania z kultura hiszpanska artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw year of print: 1989 price: EUR 91 see more >
Gorowski- Theater Posters- PWST Gorowski, Plakat teatralny, PWST artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw year of print: 2009 price: EUR 60 see more >
A Girl in Australia Wloch szuka zony artist: Flisak Jerzy year of print: 1974 price: EUR 84 see more >
Another Man Another Chance Inny mezczyzna inna szansa artist: Flisak Jerzy year of print: 1978 price: EUR 84 see more >
Study of Hamlet Studium o Hamlecie artist: Czerniawski Jerzy year of print: 1975 price: EUR 84 see more >
Circus Woman Contortionist Cyrk, kobieta guma artist: Czerniawski Jerzy year of print: 1975 price: EUR 91 see more >
Joan d'Arc at the Stake Joanna d'Arc na stosie artist: Swierzy Waldemar year of print: 1979 price: EUR 84 see more >
Provincial Anecdotes Anegdoty prowincjonalne artist: Swierzy Waldemar year of print: 1975 price: EUR 84 see more >
Master and Margarita Mistrz i Malgorzata artist: Pagowski Andrzej year of print: 1981 price: EUR 60 see more >