Ryszard Kajzer Posters

ryszard kajzer fot. Ryszard Kajzer * graphic artist, poster designer and illustrator * born 25 February 1973 in Świerczyn, Poland * studied at the Warsaw Academy's Deparment of Graphic Art, graduading from prof. Lech Majewski studio, 1994-1999; also studied at the Schule fur Gestaltun in St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1997 * since 1999 taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw; assistant to Professor Mieczyslaw Wasilewski in the Poster Design Studio, (1997-1999) and than Professor Lech Majewski Studio (2000-2006) * he held an internship at the Internationales Kunstlerhous Villa Concordia in Bamberg, Germany, 1993-1994 * since 2006 he teaches Lettering and Typography at the Warsaw Academy * he runs Zerkaj Studio * winner of numerous awards for his poster work - fot. Artur Korczak

Teresa Lipowska. 12 years in 'L for Love' soap opera
Teresa Lipowska. 12 lat w serialu M jak Miłość
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2012
price: EUR 22
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5th Latin American Film Festival
5 Festival del Cine Latinoamericano
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2004
price: EUR 45
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5th Latin American Film Festival
5 Festiwal Filmow Latynoamerykanskich
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2004
price: EUR 45
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artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2013
price: EUR 38
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Ryszard Kajzer Posters BUW
RYSzard Kajzer Plakaty BUW
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2012
price: EUR 24
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Ryszard Kajzer Posters BUW
RYSzard Kajzer Plakaty BUW
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2012
price: EUR 24
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Posters Ryszard Kalisz
Plakaty Ryszard Kalisz
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2012
price: EUR 28
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2B OR Not 2B
2B OR Not 2B
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 40
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Blazej Ostoja Lniski - Writing, Figure, Repetition
Błażej Ostoja Lniski - Pismo, Figura, Powtórzenie
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2010
price: EUR 38
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Hungary in Warsaw
Węgierska Kawalkada
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 38
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Mieczyslaw Gorowski Posters
Mieczysław Górowski Plakaty, Galeria Schody, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 28
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artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 38
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Kici Kici Pokaz Rogi 2011
Kici Kici Pokaz Rogi 2011
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 38
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Destination Independence
Przystanek Niepodległość 11.11.11
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 30
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Phantoms of Liberty - Film Review
Widma Wolności - Przegląd filmów historycznych
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 30
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artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 1998
price: EUR 45
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Marie-Curie Sklodowska Festival
PoRa na Marie (Sklodowska-Curie)
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 38
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Warsaw, Ryszard Kajzer Posters
Warszawa, Ryszard Kajzer Plakaty
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2011
price: EUR 38
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Ryszard Kajzer Posters
Ryszard Kajzer Plakaty, Galeria Schody
artist: Kajzer Ryszard
year of print: 2012
price: EUR 30
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