Books for Children Ksiazki dla dzieci artist: Janowski Witold year of print: 1978 price: EUR 84 see more >
Jozef Wilkon at BUW - poster exhibition Jozef Wilkon w BUW - wystawa plakatow artist: Wilkon Jozef year of print: 2017 price: EUR 23 see more >
International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Ex Libris, 15th Miedzynarodowe Biennale Exlibrisu Wspolczesnego, XV artist: Eidrigevicius Stasys year of print: 1992 price: EUR 43 see more >
International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Ex Libris, 16th Miedzynarodowe Biennale Exlibrisu Wspolczesnego, XVI artist: Eidrigevicius Stasys year of print: 1996 price: EUR 43 see more >
The Prize; El Premio Nagroda artist: Czerniawski Robert year of print: 2011 price: EUR 43 see more >
KAW - National Publishing Agency KAW - Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza artist: Swierzy Waldemar year of print: 1984 price: EUR 84 see more >