Polish National Winter Youth Spartakiad Ogólnopolska Zimowa Spartakiada Młodzieży. Bielsko Biała, Oświęcim, Szczyrk, Wisła. artist: Moskala Tadeusz year of print: 1978 price: EUR 203 see more >
Europa Cup Slalom Women Puchar Europy kobiet w slalomie artist: Majewski Lech year of print: 1975 price: EUR 274 see more >
A Meeting at the End of Winter Spotkanie w końcu zimy artist: Pagowski Andrzej year of print: 1980 price: EUR 67 see more >
Tribute to Van Gogh Hommage a Van Gogh artist: Eidrigevicius Stasys year of print: 1990 price: EUR 108 see more >
Tribute to Van Gogh Hommage a Van Gogh artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw year of print: 1990 price: EUR 108 see more >
Blues Brothers Blues Brothers artist: Marszalek Grzegorz year of print: 1983 price: EUR 298 see more >
Polish-Brazilian Society 1934 - 1984 Towarzystwo Polsko - Brazylijskie 1934 - 1984 artist: Mlodozeniec Jan year of print: 1984 price: EUR 91 see more >
Warsaw days in Helsinki Dni Warszawy w Helsinkach artist: Mlodozeniec Jan year of print: 1989 price: EUR 84 see more >
Sins of the Childhood Grzechy dzieciństwa artist: Koscielniak Cyprian year of print: 1982 price: EUR 67 see more >
Satyricon, Legnica 2002 Satyrykon, Legnica 2002 artist: Swierzy Waldemar year of print: 2002 price: EUR 36 see more >
Satyricon, Legnica 2000 Satyrykon, Legnica 2000 artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw year of print: 2000 price: EUR 36 see more >
Being There Wystarczy być artist: Ihnatowicz Maria Mucha year of print: 1982 price: EUR 203 see more >