Waldemar Świerzy Posters

Waldemar Świerzy one of the masters of Polish poster art was a graphic designer and book illustrator

Swierzy Waldemar Waldemar Świerzy * born 9 September 1931 - died 27 November 2013 in Warsaw * graduate of the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts * 1995-2001 he was a head of the poster design studio at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts * member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) * his works in collection of MoMA, New York * major awards: Grand Prix Tolouse-Lautrec, Paris, 1959; 1st prize at the Sao Paulo Biennial, 1969; Silver Medal at the 4th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, 1972; Gold Medal at the 6th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, 1976; 1st Prize at the 2nd International Biennial of Posters in Lahti, Finland, 1977; Gold Medals in 1965, 1971, 1975, 1989 and Silver Medals in 1977, 1987, 1995, 1999 at the Polish Poster Biennials in Katowice, Poland; Hollywood Reporters Awards for the poster in 1975 and 1985; Gold and Bronze Medal at the International Jazz Salon, 1985; he won twelve Prizes of the Year in the 'Best Warsaw Poster' competitions


Poland - Warsaw Invite You
Polska - Warszawa zaprasza
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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Superman 3
Superman III
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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Satyricon, Legnica 2002
Satyrykon, Legnica 2002
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2002
price: EUR 36
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Mazowsze 25 Years Anniversary
Mazowsze 25 lat
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1974
price: EUR 108
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ZOO Girafes
ZOO Żyrafy
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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Polish Posters 1945-1988. Tribute to Henryk Tomaszewski.
Affiches de Pologne 1945-1988. Hommage a Henryk Tomaszewski
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1988
price: EUR 84
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Roman Padlewski
Roman Padlewski
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1994
price: EUR 60
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Winter Holiday in Poland
Wakacje zimowe w Polsce
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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Flowers for Warsaw
Kwiaty dla Warszawy
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1984
price: EUR 91
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The Leap
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1960
price: EUR 131
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Circus Horses
Cyrk Konie
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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Robert De Niro. Film Festival
Robert De Niro. Festiwal Filmowy
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1989
price: EUR 203
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Man on the Island
Mężczyźni na wyspie
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1962
price: EUR 131
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Colonel Wolodyjowski
Pan Wołodyjowski
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1969
price: EUR 203
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Spend Your Holidays in Poland on the sandy Baltic seacoast
Spędź wakacje w Polsce na piaszczystych plażach Bałtyku
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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On All Fours
Na czworakach
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1972
price: EUR 155
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Jesus Christ Superstar
Jesus Christ Superstar
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead
Rosencrantz i Guildenstern nie żyją
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1994
price: EUR 67
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I All-Polish souvenir exhibition "Cepelia"
I ogólnopolska wystawa pamiątek "Cepelia"
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 2022
price: EUR 48
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